Sunday, May 4, 2008

Bangkok and Kanchanaburi

Well, I made it to Bangkok. I was for here two days on my own and ended up meeting an Italian girl, Martina, on the express boat who was also traveling solo and she showed me around Khao Sahn Road. The next day we went to the grand palace and ate noodles. I really like Bangkok. It's much easier to get around in than Germany was, mostly because tourism is so popular here. There's a ton to do, and we haven't done half of it yet. The first night Stan was here we met up with some couchsurfers and had some good thai food-- we ordered a green curry and also deep fried chicken wrapped in banana leaves (a recommendation from the couchsurfers). We visited Wat Pho day before yesterday and saw the reclining budha, which was breathtaking in and of itself, but the architecture surrounding the temple was pretty amazing too. Yesterday we took a minibus tour to Kanchanaburi, saw the bridge over the River Kwai, rode on the Death Railroad, and went to the Tiger Temple, where I actually got to pet full grown tigers and sit with some babies while they wrestled.
We met up with one of Stan's friends, Clint, last night for drinks and tips on things to do. The drinking went on a bit too long for me though, so I'm moving a little slow today. Ugh.
I'm getting used to the heat, though. We switched hostels because our first one was too far from all the action. Now we are staying on Soi Ram Buttri in a fan only double room.
Tomorrow we will still be in Bangkok, but are planning to take an overnight bus, then a boat to Koh Tao to go scuba diving.

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